Discovering Together
FEBRUARY 26-27, 2024
Join the conversation, learning, and fun at this year’s SCA Camp Conference: Discovering Together. As we gather for this year’s conference we will once again learn from the experts – our invited presenters and each other! What is it that you are hoping to learn, glean or deepen your understanding of? We encourage you to come ready to Discover Together. Discovery is finding something you didn’t previously know or have. Whether you are hoping to unearth a specific strategy or you happen to stumble over a path-changing insight, this conference is your place to explore timely questions and topics together with other camp professionals.
Kaitlyn Cey
Director, Inspire Our Nation
Kaitlyn Cey is an Author, Speaker, Leadership Coach, and the Director of the youth empowerment organization, Inspire Our Nation. Her experience teaching, pastoring and coaching has grown her passion for empowering and inspiring leaders of all ages toward their full potential, personally and professionally. Her work with Inspire Our Nation aims to inspire youth to overcome struggles and influence the world around them for good. Kaitlyn credits her passion for this work to camp. It was at a small Saskatchewan camp where Kaitlyn experienced her own impactful opportunity to grow in her gifts as she served as a dishwasher, cabin leader, and program director, and she has continued to serve multiple camps as a camp speaker. Kaitlyn is a farm girl, turned city dweller, who loves the outdoors, coffee and laughter. She holds a B.Ed, B.Arts, A.A Humanities & Certificate in Biblical Studies, ICF Leadership Coach Certification, and is currently working on her Masters of Leadership.
Ric Driediger
Co-Owner, Churchill River Canoe Outfitters
Ric Driediger was introduced to canoeing in 1972, just after his high school graduation, through a ‘crash course’ in canoeing and canoe tripping. During this initial trip on the Churchill River, Ric fell in love with the rock shoreline, the complexity of the lakes, the moss in the forest, and the knowledge that just over the hill another lake waited. He started guiding trips the following year and has never left. Ric now owns and operates Churchill River Canoe Outfitters, located in Missinipe, Saskatchewan, with his wife Theresa. Ric is a natural storyteller and holds a trove of wilderness knowledge from his decades of exploring the Saskatchewan North. Away from the river’s edge, Ric is an author, sewing enthusiast, and proud dad. He also keeps his decades-long connection to camp alive by sitting on two Saskatchewan camp boards.
2:00 PM CAMP TOUR – The Quest at Christopher Lake
Provide your own transportation – 421 SK-953, Christopher Lake, SK SOJ 0N0
3:30 PM CAMP TOUR – Camp Kadesh
Provide your own transportation – 521 SK-953, Christopher Lake, SK S0J 0N0, Canada
5:00 PM Supper (Camp Kadesh)
6:00-6:45 PM Arrival at Kinasao Lutheran Bible Camp & Registration
7:30 PM Kick Off & Main Session
Wilderness Changes People
Ric Driediger, Co-Owner, Churchill River Canoe Outfitters
Richard Louv wrote a book called Last Child in the Woods. He coined a phrase ‘Nature-Deficit Disorder’. Those of us who spend time in nature have always known this. We just didn’t coin the phrase or write the book. What is it we are missing when we don’t spend time in nature? I’ve always believed that wilderness changes people. How? I’ll be telling stories from the past 50 years of guiding canoe trips and taking people into wilderness showing how spending time in nature changes people.
9:00 PM Snacks & Networking
Dry sauna available
Snowshoes available for use throughout the day
Ski trails are maintained around the camp – bring your own skis
8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Main Session
Keynote Presentation
Building Bridges & Making Connections with the Next Generation
Kaitlyn Cey, Director, Inspire Our Nation
In our rapidly changing world, the challenges being faced by the next generation are complex. As leaders aiming to raise a resilient generation, we need tools to overcome barriers and a determination to build bridges and embrace connection so we can see youth rise in their purpose and potential in 2024.
Making of a Guide
Ric Driediger, Co-Owner, Churchill River Canoe Outfitters
I have often said being a guide is a most challenging and most fulfilling job one could have. What is the role of a guide on an outdoor experience? Are guides made or born or both? What do you look for in a great guide? We’ll explore then the recognizing and making of a guide.
High Five Training: What is it and why does it matter?
Kelsey Michaluk, Youth Engagement Consultant, Sask Parks and Recreation Association
HIGH FIVE® is a nationally recognized and innovative approach to enhance program quality and provide positive camp experiences for children and youth. This session will provide an overview of the HIGH FIVE® program, will review the HIGH FIVE® Principles and Design Guidelines, and explore next steps on training camp leaders. Also included, Ranger Lake Bible Camp will present their experience with HIGH FIVE® from a camp’s perspective.
Addressing the Challenges of Non Profit Governance in 2024: Going from Good to Great
Wendy Plandowski, Wendy Plandowski Consulting
2024 brings new challenges and opportunities for non profit leaders. External pressures are undoubtedly causing us to re-evaluate our internal processes and procedures in order to ensure we are serving our mission and not spinning our wheels. Perhaps you need to improve your board governance model and are needing to revitalize your volunteers through recruitment and professional development to ensure they take on the role of “inspirers” so the “doers” are empowered. This session will tackle the challenges head on to ensure you have a game plan for continuous improvement ultimately ensuring you have the supports and foundation you need to succeed.
12:00 PM Networking Lunch & Trade Show
1:00 PM Camp Tour
Interpreting Nature
Ric Driediger, Co-Owner, Churchill River Canoe Outfitters
The overall goal always is continued engagement with nature. How do we as leaders interpret nature to others in ways that will foster continued engagement? There is no one approach. Each individual is unique. Therefore there must be a variety of approaches to accomplish the goal. We’ll explore these.
Strategic Planning: Do you need a “Re-fresh”, “Re-do” or “Re-boot”?
Wendy Plandowski, Wendy Plandowski Consulting
The strategic plan is the roadmap in your organization, your manifesto! The journey has different milestones, trials and tribulations. Depending on where you’re at in this journey, you might need to evaluate where to go next. If this strikes a chord with your organization then bring your hopes and dreams to this session! You will leave with tangible tools and resources to recalibrate your vision and ensure your organization is focusing on moving your strategic compass from good to great!
Camp Management – A big picture approach to successfully running a camp organization
Steve Grove, Camp Easter Seal Camp Manager
The camp environment is unique, some more than others. This workshop will provide a framework for executing and evaluating a camp focusing on the four main areas of Finances, Facility, Personnel, and Program. You will not just be given the what’s and how’s, but also the why’s, as you look at 3 key foci for your vision statement.
Developing Cultural Intelligence
Kaitlyn Cey, Director, Inspire our Nation
It is more important than ever to be developing skills to thrive in culturally diverse situations. We are going to talk about how distinct cultural values, attitudes, communication styles, and viewpoints can enhance our communities. We will talk about the tools and skills you need to build a culturally intelligent environment so everyone on your team, and the people you serve, can flourish.
Understanding the Behavioural Needs of our Campers
Steve Grove, Camp Manager & Jennifer Christian, Office Administrator, Camp Easter Seal
At Camp Easter Seal we believe all behavior is communication. The goal we have for all our campers is for them to have the best week of the year! What does it look like for a camper with challenging behavior to have their best week of the year? What does it take as a team to make this happen?
Common Accreditation Hurdles
Holly Epp, Executive Director, Sask Camps Association
The SCA accreditation standards and process can feel overwhelming, time-consuming, and a bit confusing. In this session, we will look at common hurdles camps come up against as they work towards compliance, prepare for a visit, and keep their accreditation endorsement in good standing. We will discuss frequently asked questions and the resources available to support any camp in pursuing and maintaining accreditation.
5:00 PM Closing Session
Discovering Together
Darin Felstrom, Executive Director, Kinasao Lutheran Bible Camp
5:30 PM Supper
All conference participants are welcome to stay for supper
CCI SK kicks off in the evening!
Same location. More camp networking and learning together.