To develop and encourage high standards in camping.


To promote camping as an educational, character building, therapeutic, and recreational experience.

To provide an opportunity for fellowship and sharing among camp people.

To encourage and provide opportunities for the ongoing education of camp leaders.

To encourage responsible use of the natural environment and its resources by people involved in camping activities.

To act as a liaison between camps and the provincial government.
What We Do
The SCA Accreditation Program provides the opportunity for camps to receive their accreditation certificate, indicating their recognized efforts by the SCA for running safe summer camps and meeting industry standards in their programming, human resources, and facility.
Our accreditation program is also an educational tool for what industry standards are for organized camps through the accreditation manual and camp visits. With the growing time demands on camp directors and boards, the SCA is committed to the investment of reviewing its standards in order to add too and make this resource user friendly and a camp’s go-to for understanding standard minimums and changes in legislative demands.
The SCA Accreditation Certificate is awarded to camps meeting 100% of the mandatory standards and a minimum of 80% of its desirable standards. Camps will be visited every three years by the SCA for a full camp audit to renew their certification. Camps are required to keep their SCA membership in good standing and submit an annual review of their standard compliance in years between visits.
New for 2020, the SCA is pleased to partner with CCI-SK to bring our member camps a one stop camp conference in Saskatchewan. Our hope is to provide professional development and invest in the quality of organized camps in Saskatchewan through this collaborated educational and networking event.
Workshops connected to leadership, programming, and safety will be periodically offered by the SCA. There are also educational workshops available to our member camps through provincial recreation partnerships.
Members receive discounted rates for SCA education events.
The SCA is proud to promote its member camps to the people of Saskatchewan through our website directory, print promotional materials, tradeshow events, and recreation partnerships. We hope to share the value of organized camps with parents, guardians, educators, and service providers working with children, youth, and the differently abled.
The best way to promote your camp through the SCA is to keep your camp information up to date through your membership login. Camps have access to update their information 24/7 as changes, additions, and development occurs.
When new or absent provincial legislation affects the facilities or programming of organized camps, the SCA will advocate on behalf of the camps in Saskatchewan. The SCA is the voice of organized camping in our province and has the best interest of our camp network in mind.
The SCA is a member of the Canadian Camping Association (CCA) who, with the support of the provincial camp associations, is the voice of organized camping at a national level for federal legislation advocacy.
(306) 371-7005