Male Cabin Leader
Beaver Creek Camp
About The Job
Program/Activity Leaders
Application Deadline
Job Type
Start Date
End Date
Job Description

This position is responsible for the direct supervision of campers in groups of 6-10 (ages: 7-12, 13-17, toddlers). The top priorities of this role include the health, safety, happiness and personal development of campers. Duties include, but are not limited to, leading campers throughout daily routines (i.e. meals, personal hygiene, sleep, etc.), encouraging the participation of each camper in all activities, broadening the interests of campers through various activities, actively participating in program options and evening program, guiding the spiritual growth of campers, ensuring camper safety and wellbeing, developing positive relationships with campers, fostering positive community experience, enforcing camper discipline policies as needed, and any other duties as required.

How To Apply
For info to apply, please visit our website at